"Marvellous," he said. "Absolutely marvellous"

Tensegrity Lego MOC

10 February 2023

I’ve loved Lego for as long as I can remember. I’ve bought all sort of official sets, but never a non-official MOC. But then I saw a really intriguing model and couldn’t resist – a tensegrity structure that on first sight defies gravity…

For starters, what’s a MOC?

MOC is an acronym for MOwn Creation. LEGO® MOC, therefore, means LEGO My Own Creation, and are creations that have been designed and built by LEGO fans, using original LEGO® bricks


There are some amazing creations on BuildaMOC, from enormous designs to fantastically clever automatons. I stumbled across the tensegrity model from a Youtube rabbit hole, and it seemed too good to miss as my first stab into the MOC world.

Next definition… what is tensegrity?

Tensegritytensional integrity or floating compression is a structural principle based on a system of isolated components under compression inside a network of continuous tension, and arranged in such a way that the compressed members (usually bars or struts) do not touch each other while the prestressed tensioned members (usually cables or tendons) delineate the system spatially.


The word itself is a portmanteau of “tensional integrity”.

Anyway, enough background, it’s far easier to understand by seeing the model!

The Lego tensegrity MOC

It’s two solid structures connected by 3 chains. The magic happens when the centre of gravity of the top structure is beyond the smaller chain. Gravity causes that small chain to become taut under tension, but at the same time the rotational force of the top structure then also pulls the two longer chains tight.

The structure then becomes stable in a subtly magical way. The slightest nudge and the centre of gravity slip back over the smaller chain and the whole thing collapses.

Here it is in action…

Physics magic!

It’s a fantastic toy, a really neat Lego model, and deservedly the top selling BuildaMOC product.